The STEM Outreach Initiative is a curriculum that is based on the concept of educating students in four specific disciplines — science, technology, engineering and mathematics — in an interdisciplinary and applied approach. MARCORSYSCOM supports STEM outreach by coordinating our efforts with the Office of Naval Research and other naval organizations through meetings and strategic planning sessions. For MARCORSYSCOM, this results in a yearly STEM camp and other STEM Outreach events in partnership with Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA), and DoD Education Consortium (DSEC), local universities and industry partners. Our STEM outreach extends to Marine Corps Tactical System Support Activity (MCTSSA) as part of their Science Week at Camp Pendleton.
We continue to reach to students across in Quantico, Stafford and Prince William County. Participation in STEM Expos, career briefings and week-long camps oriented around science and engineering themed activities mentored by engineers, introduces students to current technology and the science behind the demonstrations and activities, and thereby peaking their interest to pursue STEM careers. Career briefings are given by our seasoned and entry level engineers and scientists, so the students can easily relate and see themselves doing similar work.
upcoming Events
(*ONLY for students of Crossroads Elementary, Quantico Middle High School, and students of MCSC and PEO employees*)
June 20-23, 2023, 0800-1530
Quantico Middle High School

Establish an enduring STEM initiative that promotes STEM outreach, develops future and current workforce and orchestrates command engagement through outreach activities for participants from primary through advanced education.
Continuously reinforce STEM as a priority at MARCORSYSCOM
Manage a consistent STEM outreach identity through advocacy and community engagement
Recruit high-achieving, diverse technical talent
Develop MARCORSYSCOM workforce leadership acumen through STEM outreach
Track performance, share successes and continuously improve the MARCORSYSCOM STEM program
Cultivate and draw on industry, government and academic partnerships
Strategic Plan
Broaden MARCORSYSCOM STEM footprint and outreach to motivate students, teachers and institutions to pursue a STEM career with U.S. Marine Corps and/or Department of the Navy.
Establish partnerships with key stakeholders in the DMV to foster collaborative opportunities.
Provide underrepresented students with opportunities that expose them to knowledge, concepts and potential mentors that will encourage them to pursue a college education and STEM as a career path.
Enhance acquisition workforce leadership and education in STEM that can be directly applied to MARCORSYSCOM mission