January 15, 2014 -- By Lance Cpl. Donald Peterson, III Marine Expeditionary Force
CAMP KINSER, Japan - Corpsmen, doctors and nurses with 3rd Medical Battalion, 3rd Marine Logistics Group, III Marine Expeditionary Force, attended classes and trained with the Marine Corps’ new portable patient transport life support system Jan. 7 at Camp Kinser.
The Marine Corps started looking for a new PPTLSS in December of 2012. The goal was to replace several, outdated patient movement systems and create a more compact and portable piece of equipment.
The lightweight, self-contained, mobile, oxygen, ventilation, and external suction system, more commonly known as the MOVES system, met all requirements for the Marine Corps to designate as a new PPTLSS, according to Allen L. Schweizer, a logistician for the medical team with Marine Corps Systems Command.
“A MOVES is designed to combine the oxygen concentrator, ventilator, suction and patient monitoring systems into one compact machine,” said Schweizer.
The MOVES system uses ambient air to produce oxygen and then delivers the oxygen directly to the casualty. Additionally, the MOVES system can monitor vital signs including blood pressure, heart rate, pulse oximetry, temperature, oxygen and carbon dioxide levels, and electrocardiogram. Each system is designed to support and treat a single trauma patient at one time.
“When you’re downrange and a life is on the line, it feels like everything is against you; almost as if you brought Murphy himself and his law along for the ride,” said Michael Nace, a former Navy corpsman and class instructor. “The smallest thing can make a difference on determining whether someone lives or dies.”
The 3rd MLG received 22 MOVES systems that will be put to use by III MEF personnel during future exercises and operations.
“There are many benefits with this system compared to the old equipment,” said Lt. Cmdr. Angela M. Dougherty, the company commander for Company B, 3rd Med. Bn., 3rd MLG, III MEF. “The MOVES system generates its own oxygen, which means (fewer) tanks of oxygen are needed when we deploy with it. It has a battery life of up to seven hours, which is extremely convenient, and it can run off of an external power source as well.”
Although the MOVES system is currently used by the Marine Corps, it was designed for use by all branches.
“It’s such a great piece of equipment to work with,” said Dougherty. “Just the little bit of time we had to actually try it out and play with it made it easy to tell that this (system) will be a huge asset in future operations.”